Friday, 18 January 2013



"Eggcellent Trap" Photo by Mikayla MacDonald

  This image of an egg just cracked by a rat trap is a perfect example of high speed photography. The rat trapped flipped so fast I had to watch when my assistant hit the bar very carefully so I could catch the action at the perfect time. The lighting for this photo was very difficult due to the walls set up to catch the mess. We had a studio light placed in the back corner above the trap in order to light up the egg shell and yolk. I used a D200 camera with 150 mm lens. My settings were f/16, exposure time 1/30 sec, ISO 200, and manual white balance. 


"Glass Splash" Photo By Mikayla MacDonald

This image was produced by pouring coloured water into a tipped wine glass. This photo took a lot of patience and communication between three people. I had one person hold the glass over a fish tank while another poured the water into the glass. The pourer had to aim the water directly on the edge of the glass and tip it at the correct speed and pressure so it would splash around the edges. To get the correct lighting had a studio flash behind the set up, and two high end flashes one either side of the tank to light up the glass. Using a Nikon D200 I used F-stop F/11, exposure time 1/60 sec and ISO 200.  


"Popped" Photo By Mikayla MacDonald

This photo was taken just as a water balloon popped. The balloon was dropped onto a nail so it would create the best splash. For this photo my assistant would watch the speed in which the camera took the photo compared to when I actually hit the shutter button.  We would see where the balloon was when the camera captured the scene and move the balloon starting height in accordance.  To obtain this photo I used a mets flash pointing at the nail and high end flash on the opposite side.  I had a Nikon D200 with a 150 mm lens. It was at f-stop F/22, Exposure time was 1/100 sec and ISO-200.    

"Cracked Nut" Photo By Mikayla MacDoanld


High speed photography is something I really enjoy doing. Being able to stop motion that is happening in within very few seconds is something that really fasionates me. This particular photo is a walnut right after it was cracked. It was taken with a light table, mets flash derectly infront of the hand and a high end flash on the opposite side placed next to the hand. I had the Nikon D200 camera with a 150 mm lens set to ISO 200, F-stop 22, white balance flash and exposure time at 1/60. To catch the action in the photo I had to sync my timing with the time the walnut actually cracked. To do this I would count to three, on three the model cracked the walnut. In my head I would then count to two before taking the photo. This way I was able to take the photo just as pieces were flying away from the nutcracker.  

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