Wednesday, 16 January 2013



'Man & Architecture' Photograph By Mikayla MacDonald

This image was taken during a walking tour of downtown Kingston, Ontario. Thanks to the bright fall sun to the left of the model the lighting in the small back alley was perfect for the photo. It was taken with a Sony A600 DSLR camera on _____ priority. The ISO was 100, aperture ___, shutter speed ___and direct sunlight white balance. Upon first glance an eye will go directly to the camera in the models hands as it the darkest part of the photo. The eye will then move to the eye of the model. They will see the extreme focus and passion the photographer is putting into her work giving them a sense of just how much she loves what she is doing. To enhance the photo I simply increased the brightness and contrast then softened the image in Adobe Photoshop CS3 which gave me this as a final project.


'Head Shot' Photograph By Mikayla MacDonald
This headshot of fellow photographer was taken in the studio using professional lighting. The camera I used was a Nikon D200. It was on aperture priority, my ISO was set on 200, my F Stop 5.6 and white balance set to to flash. By placing the light on a 30 degree angle from the model and a reflector on the opposite I was able to create the rembrandt portrait. One will notice triangle under the right eye and reflection in both eyes proving the rembrandt. Once I got the photo on the computer, in Adobe Photoshop CS3 I removed small blemishes with the clone stamp tool. To have the photo black and white I set the mode to grey scale descarding all colour. 


This photo was taken at the Landings golf course in Kingston, Ontario. The golfer had just finished his swing and was watching for his ball to land.Using a Nikon D200 camera on aperture priority.  I had my Fnumber set to 5.6, ISO 1600 and direct sunlight as my white balance. The photo captures the boys love for the game as you can see his concentration on his ball and swing. Using Adobe Photoshop CS3 I increased the brightness and contrast on the photo to obtain what is seen now.  

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